
A woman from paradise

When we talk about role models, who comes to your mind? Some politician, freedom fighter, actor, or actress. We have so many role models in our Islamic History, but, sadly, we are unaware of many of them. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) is our best role model. Many of his companions-both male and female are also Heros of Islam. Today, I would like to talk about a lady who was granted glad tidings of Paradise,  twice in her life. Barakah bint thalabah was an Abyssinian slave. She was bought by our Prophet's grandfather Abdul Muttalib and she was given as a wedding gift to Abdullah, our Prophet's father, and his mother Aminah. Barakah provided support to Aminah at the time when she was alone. Aminah had a dream of some lights shooting from her abdomen and lighting up the mountains, hills, and valleys of Makkah. Barakah predicted that Aminah would give birth to a blessed child. When the sad news of the death of Abdullah came Barakah couldn't control herself. Later Barakah n...

Brotherhood/Sisterhood for the sake of Allah

 I have no biological sisters only 2 brothers but Alhamdulillah ,Allah has blessed me with cousins & sisters in law who I am close to. More than that ,are many of my sisters with whom I have a very special bond,it is not by blood or marriage but on the special faith we share. Wherever I have been,I have had few sisters who I can call as my own,and who I know will be with me in every thick and thin. I am talking about Brotherhood/Sisterhood for the sake of Allah. The best example of this can be seen in the bond that Our Prophet(PBUH) shared with Aboobacker Siddiq(Ra) & Umar (Ra).Also this can be seen in between the Muhajireen(migrants of Makkah ) & the Ansar(Locals of Madinah).Each Muhajir was alloted a brother from the Ansar,their bond was so strong for the pleasure of Allah,that they divided everything they had between them. The believers are but one ,no one is superior to the other in terms of wealth,status,lineage, descent etc. Now onto some personal experiences.When...

IISR(Embassy of India school Riyadh)

 Dedicated to IISR management,principals,supervisors,teachers , alumnus and the present day students. I started my schooling in IISR in April 1990. L.k.g-I remember going there scared ,the first day to be left alone ,my only relief being my elder brother was in the same school.Few of my friends from L.k.g were there in the same class with me till 8th grade ☺️.I remember my U.K.G teacher Ms Sylvia Hartley very well.In grade 1 we had Ms Rizwana,we used to love copying her signature.There were boys in our class back then and it was only when we were in Grade 3 we had a girls only class.We used to go to play pen,had clay modelling competitions,music classes,fancy dress, storytelling etc. Picnics, Annual days ,funfairs,camp days were all so much fun,we used to look forward to them. While going for picnics,we used to have a lot of fun in the bus too, playing games.Bringing yummy homemade food and sharing with all. Last day of exams we used to have water fights.Having chocobar ice-cream f...


 October is Cancer Awareness Month. Studies show that 1 in 8 ladies have a chance of breast cancer. Nowadays, it is a good fact that there is awareness about the disease unlike in earlier days. Like any other illness, early detection helps start the treatment quickly. Now we know that Cancer is as common as the flu. Although it is difficult to accept, it can happen to anyone. I have lost my close relatives to cancer and it is of course heart-wrenching to see the pain. Prevention is always better than the cure. Since we have methods to detect breast cancer now, it can be done. In many countries, they are conducting free screening camps, mammograms etc. Don't miss the chance if you have the opportunity. Self examination of the breasts can also be done Symptoms - If you feel you have any of these symptoms do go to a physician at the earliest. Treatment- Let's see the risk factors for breast cancer  There are a lot of campaigns and support groups,hair donations,funds etc for Cance...

Middle age crisis

                        Middle age crisis - Middle age is the time when you are almost settled in life, basically it is the time from your youth to old age. But you start getting feelings of regret,your self confidence is affected and you may feel less valued Both men and women go through this,but studies show that women face more issues,be it psychological or physical.It is the reproductive period of a woman 's life,where she may experience perimenopausal symptoms, sometimes irritability,fatigue etc.It is also a time when your children are either growing up,grown up and your parents are ageing.Hence it is the peak time of responsibilities. Hormonal changes, maybe weight gain,greying of hairs,hair fall, different body aches are all part of middle age. Some women have early menopause and this too affects their health.Menopause leads to loss in bone density (osteoporosis) ,hence bones fracture easily,hot flashes,tantrums ,mood sw...


 To my love, To my sweetheart, To the one who completed me, To the one with whom,my name was written, To the coolness of my eyes, To the father of our children, To my man, To the scent of my life, 15 years since we became one, Together we sailed through ups & downs, But even with our shortcomings we did endure and learned to overlook, Our little ones joined us & beautified our journey, We are still the same young couple, With few more kilos added to me and grey hairs, Very grateful to be yours and wish the same in the eternal paradise, Where it is happily ever after. With lots of love, Your habeebti, Dillu

Letter to Said Ali Clan

 Assalamu alaikum wrwb,to each and every one of you. Alhamdulillah, I am blessed to be part of such a loving family.It is indeed a very difficult time for all of us since our Umma isn't well.It is not easy to see her this way.What I feel is Allah has given everyone a chance to be with her,all of you together like your childhood days.Imagine the happiness that would give her.Alhamdulillah you were lucky to have her nearby during your youth days. As we know,sickness erases off sins ,so in sha Allah it will be for goodness.What better time than Ramadan for you all to be near your mother.Allah has given you all that chance and so much reward awaits. May Allah grant Umma whatever is Khair and May He keep our family united in the generations to come too..Ameen Stay strong. With lots of love and prayers , Dahlia Mohammed Ali (Dillu)