Brotherhood/Sisterhood for the sake of Allah
I have no biological sisters only 2 brothers but Alhamdulillah ,Allah has blessed me with cousins & sisters in law who I am close to.
More than that ,are many of my sisters with whom I have a very special bond,it is not by blood or marriage but on the special faith we share.
Wherever I have been,I have had few sisters who I can call as my own,and who I know will be with me in every thick and thin.
I am talking about Brotherhood/Sisterhood for the sake of Allah.
The best example of this can be seen in the bond that Our Prophet(PBUH) shared with Aboobacker Siddiq(Ra) & Umar (Ra).Also this can be seen in between the Muhajireen(migrants of Makkah ) & the Ansar(Locals of Madinah).Each Muhajir was alloted a brother from the Ansar,their bond was so strong for the pleasure of Allah,that they divided everything they had between them.
The believers are but one ,no one is superior to the other in terms of wealth,status,lineage, descent etc.
Now onto some personal experiences.When we live in places far away from home and our extended families,it is of course our close friends or neighbours who keep us going.Just knowing that they will be there for you is a relief.If you are not well,or you need help with babysitting,playdates,some time to hang out with like minded people or to help you in any kind of need,they are always there.
The love between those who Love for the sake of Allah is so pure and unselfish.They go out of their way in helping others hoping for reward from Allah alone.
Let us see the rewards for loving fellow Muslims for the sake of Allah-
When 2 people love for the sake of Allah,He loves them in return.
May Allah almighty bless us with such bonds and help us preserve them and help us work together for our hereafter...Ameen
Dahlia Mohammed Ali