Middle age crisis

                       Middle age crisis -

Middle age is the time when you are almost settled in life, basically it is the time from your youth to old age.

But you start getting feelings of regret,your self confidence is affected and you may feel less valued

Both men and women go through this,but studies show that women face more issues,be it psychological or physical.It is the reproductive period of a woman 's life,where she may experience perimenopausal symptoms, sometimes irritability,fatigue etc.It is also a time when your children are either growing up,grown up and your parents are ageing.Hence it is the peak time of responsibilities.

Hormonal changes, maybe weight gain,greying of hairs,hair fall, different body aches are all part of middle age.

Some women have early menopause and this too affects their health.Menopause leads to loss in bone density (osteoporosis) ,hence bones fracture easily,hot flashes,tantrums ,mood swings etc.

Regular exercise,having balanced healthy diet and drinking lots of water can help a lot.For mental wellbeing, it is very important to find time for yourself,to pursue your hobbies,or hang out with friends and relax without feeling guilty.

It is never too late to do things you couldn't do in life before, maybe learn some new skill,start a business, volunteer for different activities or even take up a new job.

Never discourage the people in this age group, they are trying their best in everything and want to accomplish more.

Even looking at the mirror becomes disheartening, because all you see maybe some grey hairs,an older version of you and maybe few added kilos.

If you have someone in your family or close circle who you feel is going through this crisis,do provide support as they may have emotional breakdown, burnouts etc.

Now for those in this stage,do not overdo the things and it's ok to ask for help sometimes from your family or close circle of friends.

In a nutshell taking care of yourself is most important-meditation, daily prayers, exercise,eating healthy food and having adequate sleep and rest is required.

Dedicated to all the middle aged people from a dame who is almost there. 😍☺️

Dahlia Mohammed Ali 


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