Letter to Said Ali Clan

 Assalamu alaikum wrwb,to each and every one of you.

Alhamdulillah, I am blessed to be part of such a loving family.It is indeed a very difficult time for all of us since our Umma isn't well.It is not easy to see her this way.What I feel is Allah has given everyone a chance to be with her,all of you together like your childhood days.Imagine the happiness that would give her.Alhamdulillah you were lucky to have her nearby during your youth days.

As we know,sickness erases off sins ,so in sha Allah it will be for goodness.What better time than Ramadan for you all to be near your mother.Allah has given you all that chance and so much reward awaits.

May Allah grant Umma whatever is Khair and May He keep our family united in the generations to come too..Ameen

Stay strong.

With lots of love and prayers ,

Dahlia Mohammed Ali (Dillu)


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