



When the inevitable moment of passing arrives,

Will we be prepared?

To confront what fate has ordained?

Our sacred scriptures forewarned,

Every soul shall taste the embrace of death.

Did we truly pay heed?

Or were we entrapped,

In the fleeting allure of this earthly abode?

Let us remind ourselves and our cherished ones,

Of the day that is guaranteed to arrive.

Emulate our Guiding Light,

The Beloved Messenger (peace be upon him),

Whom our Lord found favor with.

Indeed, it is akin to clutching a searing coal,

Yet, every reward is earned through unwavering devotion.

Obey the Almighty, and eternal paradise awaits,

A realm where unimaginable pleasures reside,

Adorned in exquisite attire, adorned with precious jewels,

Savoring fine wines and the fragrant scent of musk.

Here, desires are fulfilled effortlessly,

So strive to perform righteous deeds solely for your Lord.

He, the Most Merciful and Forgiving,

Repent, forgive, and let go of grudges,

Defend against malevolence with acts of kindness,

Seek His guidance and rely solely on Him.

Be counted among the resolute,

Endure the trials that befall you,

For we indeed have a Lord who cherishes the patient and the prayerful.

Express gratitude for the countless blessings,

Bestowed upon us abundantly.

Extend love to the impoverished, needy, and oppressed,

Out of love for His name,

And you shall find shelter on the destined day.

This reminder is directed at me first,

Oh, our Lord, make our final deeds our finest ones.


Reference: Holy Qur'an and Hadith

Reference: Holy Qur'an and Hadith

Dahlia Mohammed Ali


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