Backbiting (Gheebah)
Backbiting is a grave sin which is committed knowingly or unknowingly. Sadly, this is taken very lightly. Some people are very particular about their Salah and other acts of Ibadah but they don't guard their tongues.
Allah has warned us about this sin in The Qur'an and Sunnah too.
Punishment for those who backbite
When anyone comes to gossip ,do not let him/her do so. It is the plan of Satan to deviate you. Do not befriend those who have this habit.
I recently saw a video where a Sheikh mentioned about a dead lady who when she was going to be taken for ghusl(bath after death)was clinging on to her stretcher. This happened many times although the corpse was very light. Finally the Sheikh called the relatives and asked what the mother used to do in life. They hesitated first ,then later mentioned that their mom was very particular about her prayers but she used to go around houses and gossip. Upon asking why the children didn't make her understand, -they said they had tried to make her understand that- it is wrong but she tried to refuse always saying that it was between her and Allah.
May Allah protect all of us and help us guard our tongues. Ameen.
Always think, before you speak because you can never reverse what you spoke.
Once in a lecture, I heard that people are punished in this world also for backbiting, it may be a financial problem, trouble with kids, children not getting jobs, marriages not getting fixed etc. When there is a delay in our rizq(provision) we must look into ourselves, correct our mistakes and repent to Allah.
If - by any chance you have spoken ill of someone, pray for him/her, if possible ask for their forgiveness and speak good about them.
You may be a victim of backbiting and it really hurts but remember that Allah gives you good deeds when you are dishonoured.
Masha Allah.. excellent reminder..May Allah protect us