Assalamu alaikum Wrwb
We all know what is going around the world, so much hatred is being spread about our Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh).In the past many cartoons were made and now some bad comments are being said.Considering what is going on,muslims around the world are really angered.
What is happening is some people are trying to spread hate by posting vulgar things about other faiths.We must fight for our justice but in a way that doesn't hurt anyone physically or psychologically.
Let us examine the life of our beloved Prophet(PBUH)-
-There were so many incidents in his life where he was abused physically and psychologically.
-In the initial years of Prophethood ,only very few people accepted the message.Nabi (SAW) had only few people to support him
-He was abandoned by his own tribe and relatives.
-He had to lead a lot of wars
-He had to migrate
-Despite all hatred towards him,he conveyed his message peacefully.
-He never left hope in ALLAH
-In fact ,it was his character and conduct that attracted many people to Islam
-According to his wife Aisha(ra) his character was The Qur'an
Now let us reflect upon ourselves and what we are doing.We should try to learn The Seerah and Qur 'an before doing anything.We cannot compel anyone to our faith nor degrade them.That is not our way.
Dahlia Mohammed Ali
Well written...