A Mother's love

A mother's ๐Ÿ’• love

 May 8th is celebrated as International Mother's Day .Well ,come to think of it ,is it only one day that we celebrate our mothers and cherish them.No Way!!

They deserve to be remembered everyday. When we think of the term mother,what comes rushing to our minds?It would definitely be the unconditional love,sacrifice,care etc.No words can describe it fully.Mothers are definitely one of the greatest blessings we have and take for granted .

It was only when I held my first born, that I could fully understand my mom๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜.When my delivery was over, everyone was very excited to see the baby ,including my husband of course but I was too tired and at that time, it was only my mom whose major concern was me ๐Ÿ˜ฅ.

Bringing a child into the world is no easy task.

9 months a mother carries her child in the womb,then 2 years weaning.During her lifetime she lives mainly for her children only.

Some mothers in history who amaze me-

Maryam(a) mother of Easa(Jesus) (mpbuh) 
A single mother, whose child was born as a sign to the world.He spoke for his mother when the people around her criticized her for wrong doing.There is an entire chapter in the Qur'an in her name.

Musa(a) 's mother-She had to place Musa in a basket and float him in river Nile to save her child from Pharaoh according to Allah ' s instructions.According to Allah's wisdom ,Musa (a) was picked up by Asiya(wife of Pharaoh) who wanted to bring him up.So Musa(a) had 2 mothers and his own mother fed him.Subhanallah.

Umm Sulaym(May Allah be pleased with her)-

A son of hers and Abu Talhah's died .He had been sick for few days.She washed and shrouded the boy and she requested the members of the household that none of them should inform Abu Talhah of the death of their son.When Abu Talhah returned,he enquired about the boy.She told him "He has never been calm and quiet as he is now".So Abu Talhah was relaxed and he ate his food.

After that she adorned herself for her husband and wore perfume.They had relations and in the morning,she told him,"Seek your reward from Allah ,Your son is now with Allah".

Abu Talhah was very quiet and he went to Mohammed (saw).The Prophet did not disapprove of Umm Sulaym,on the contrary,he said."May Allah bless your night for you both"

Ummu Sulaym and Abu Talhah, then were blessed with many children,ten of whom memorized the Qur'an.

This story brought me to tears.Being a mother I can understand the pain ,she must have gone through.Inspite of that, she trusted Allah completely and she also took care of her husband and didn't even express her sorrow to him at the moment when he needed rest .

In the present day situation I am mesmerized by the strong faith &patience the Palestinian mothers have ,even when they loose their beloved children.Recently,I saw a video of a lady,who was talking about the bombing of her car which resulted in the death of her 3 daughters & upon being asked about it ,she said "It was like how Allah cooled the fire for Ibrahim (as) that her girls were taken away,so easily and in spite of all the grief she had ,she was smiling saying that they are with Allah. 

May Allah make us such mothers who were so strong in their faith and were role models in the upbringing of their children... Ameen

On a lighter note some funny facts about moms-

-Even if you are past 50 ,for your mom ,you are always a child

-Even if you are overweight your mom will keep feeding you

-When she knows you love a particular dish,she may not even taste it,so that you can have more

-She puts the blanket for you,when it comes off when you sleep

-She packs your Tiffin even if you are old enough to do it

-You never come home empty handed after visiting your mom

-The only person you get scoldings from throughout your lives

-The person you run to after being beaten or scolded from, for consolation

-The one who knows you are sick or in difficulty even if they are away from you and calls you at that moment.

These are only few things.I could go on and on.
A note for all moms-

-You don't have to be perfect.

-You should take care of your health,only then you can serve others

-You may feel insecure but remember to your children,you are their heroine,their first love.

May Allah bless all our mothers..Ameen.For those who have lost their moms.You can still pray for them.

An article dedicated to all beautiful mothers from a mother

Dahlia Mohammed Ali 


  1. The tru things u mentioned... mom's feel wat we go thru... and yaa.. never leave us empty hand when we meet them


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