Dedicated to everyone who wants to learn more about Hijab.
What is HIJAB?
Hijab is a covering or veil.
Allah(SWT) says in the Qur' an
Hijab is widely misunderstood. It is to be practised by both men and women
Who should wear hijab?
Every girl who has attained puberty should wear Hijab.
SUBHANALLAH.. The sahabiyaat were very particular regarding following Islam, whenever any verse was revealed, they would put it into action.
Conditions of Hijab-
-It should cover the whole body except what is apparent
-It should not be an adornment in itself.(decorated, bright, one that attracts attention)
-It should be thick and not transparent
-It should be loose and not tight (should not describe the size and shape of the body.)
-Should not be perfumed-
According to Prophet(PBUH): If any of you goes out to the masjid, let her not touch perfume. Abu hurayrah (Ra) passed by a lady whose scent was overpowering-He told her"Go back and wash yourself for I heard Prophet(PBUH) saying :If a woman comes out of the masjid and her scent is overpowering Allah (SWT) will not accept any prayer from her until she goes home and washes herself.
-It should not resemble the clothing of men
-It should not resemble the dressing of disbelieving woman.
-It should not be a garment of fame and vanity.
Prophet(PBUH):Whoever wears a garment of fame and vanity in this world, Allah will clothe him a garment of humiliation on the Day of Judgement and He will cause fire to flame up around him.
Before puberty itself girls should be made used to wearing hijab, so that it becomes easy for them when the time comes.
Who should we maintain hijab in front of?
All Non Mahram Men
Mahrams of a lady:
Paternal and maternal uncles
Brother's and sister 's sons
Foster brothers
Mother's husband(If she is married after being widowed or divorced)
Husband' s father, Grandfather, Son, Grandson
Islam has not imposed any difficulty upon us. Rules and restrictions are only for our safety and protection. Islam considers ladies as the Queens of their households and they are to be treated with utmost kindness.
Now onto my hijab journey-From the time I was quite small, I used to love covering myself with a big shawl. Although I wasn't aware of the importance, I felt a sense of security when doing so. Hence when the time to actually start wearing hijab came, it was easy for me to do so. I was in Saudi Arabia hence girls had to wear Abaya once they were bigger. I had my own share of struggles with people telling me not to wear it, or to loosen my scarf and stuff, be it from relatives or friends.
Well, slowly I got accustomed to all that. I wear it with pride, which is a part of my identity. Everything precious is always covered, be it jewelry, cash, or even sugary foods. The same applies here,
Allah has ordained us to wear hijab for our own safety and has clearly mentioned who we don't have to maintain hijab in front of.
Although a stay at home, wife or mom is known as a homemaker in other languages, in Arabic the terminology used is 'Rabbaitul Bait' meaning' Queen of the household'. That is indeed the position Our Lord has given us. Rest that is portrayed in media is just fake.
Now don't get the misconception that we can't beautify ourselves. We have to, do so in front of our husbands, we can dress up when going to ladies only parties etc. It is indeed sad, that most ladies are unkept at home and they adorn themselves beautifully when going out. There is a reason why Allah has prescribed what is obligatory and what is not.
Now to my sisters out there who practice hijab. Alhamdulillah, be happy that Allah loves you to do so. Stay strong and maintain it. Whatever good you try to do people will always criticize. But our ultimate aim should be the pleasure of Allah.
May Allah guide us to the straight path-Ameen
Disclaimer: My hijab also may have shortcomings.
This reminder is directed to me first.
Dahlia Mohammed Ali
MashaAllah.A lot of wonderful information.....