Daughters are gems. Don't get me wrong, sons are gems too. I chose this topic because of the misogyny which still exists. It is such a shame that girls and women are still not given the respect they deserve. How can man be so prejudiced against women when she is the reason for your existence. So many people still blame ladies for having daughters without knowing that it is the father's chromosome that is responsible for the gender of the baby.
Dislike for daughters has been prevelant since the early times. In Asian countries ladies are divorced for having daughters, primitive arabs used to even bury their daughters alive because they thought girls would bring shame to the family. In some communities people don't want girls because they have to give dowry during the time of marriage.
We should remember that children are blessings from our Lord and irrespective of their gender we must treat them equally, educate them and provide them with all necessary provisions.
Allah gives as He wills. To some he doesn't give children,to some only sons,to some both and to some only daughters. Usually people with sons are considered to be lucky๐.These people feel so because they think that their sons will take care of them in their old age,will provide for them etc.
Let me ask you.."What guarantee do you have that your sons will take care of you or Allah forbid ,their life spans are less than yours."?
May Allah provide the people without offspring,offsprings..Ameen.For those who don't have children, Allah has kept something big for you in the afterlife and is only testing your patience.
We live in a strange world where some people want to abort and others are yearning for that blessing.
Some experiences which I had-
Masha Allah,Tabaarakallah Allah has blessed us with 3 girls and a boy. After each of my deliveries at least one person told me it s ok,you will have a boy next time.
As if I or my husband ever felt bad for having daughters .We know the reward for bringing up girls and to be frank we both never felt that way. And when had our son ,some people thought we had our 4th because we wanted a boy.I don't know what to tell these people.May Allah grant them understanding..Ameen
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