Friday (Yaum ul Jumuah)-Part 3

 Four stories are mentioned in Surah Al Kahf:

1.The people of the cave:

Trial of faith: 

This is a story of a number of young men ,who were attacked because they were believers. They ended up in a cave where they slept for many years and when they woke up they felt like they had slept only for a day or half a day. One of them went to buy food and he found himself amongst a different people. SubhanAllah, in the Surah it is mentioned that they slept for more than 300 years. I had like to pause here, That is the power and might of Allah (SWT).Nothing is impossible for Him.

The Story shows us how Allah protects the believers no matter how difficult their situation is.

2.The man with two gardens:

Trial of wealth:

A man owned two beautiful gardens which made him arrogant and he told his friend "I am greater to you in wealth and children". The man was very ungrateful for his blessings and hence Allah destroyed his gardens. We should always be grateful for our blessings, and we should realize that everything is from Him alone. He can take the provisions from us any time.

3.The Story of Musa(MPBUH) and Al Khidr

Trial of Knowledge:

Once Musa(MPBUH) was asked" Who is the most wise amongst people?, to which he replied I am the most learned."  After this incident Allah (SWT) instructed Musa(MPBUH) to go and find Al Khidr. Musa (MPBUH) goes on a journey with Al Khidr and he realizes that Allah(SWT) bestows knowledge on whomever He wills.

4.The Story of a Just King:

Trial of Power:

Dhul Qarnain was a righteous and Just King who travelled the lands from West to East. The Qur'an  mentions 3 of his journeys. On his last journey, he reaches a place between 2 mountains where he met a tribe of people. They asked him to build a wall between them and Gog and Magog (Yajuj & Majuj) who were causing mischief in the land.The Qur'an mentions that after Dhul Qarnain built the wall, he attributed the construction to Allah and not himself."This is mercy from my Lord.

But when the promise of my Lord comes to pass, He will make it level (with the ground) and the promise of my Lord is ever true."

We must always acknowledge the fact that power belongs only to Allah and that whatever He bestows upon us is only for a short time.

I hope the importance of Friday and Surah Kahf has been understood. I have written in a very concise form so as to understand easily.

Dahlia Mohammed Ali


  1. Thanks for the extra knowledge dillu... hoping for many more stories.. masha Allah 😍


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