
Everyone is scared to even utter that word.People feel it is shameful .Mental health is neglected .Being human beings we do have mood swings .It is natural.

Mostly everyone in their lifetime experiences such issues.It may be due to a big calamity like loss of a loved one or the reason may be very minute to the others around.

The reason I decided to write this article is because I myself have been through this and so many people I know too .As ladies due to hormonal changes there are mood swings,like  during postpartum. Some people experience such thoughts even when they face some changes in life .

If you know anyone who is feeling low,don't disgrace them , instead support them,give them extra care and take them to specialists if required.

Even a lot of famous personalities experience this.Happiness has nothing to do with success,wealth or well being.You can be the poorest man and still be happy.

What is Depression?

Feeling low all the time,loosing interest in everything you used to enjoy,preferring to stay alone all the time,lying down most of the time, getting very irritated with others,fatigue,loss of appetite or overeating,some even get suicidal thoughts .

Nowadays even children face such problems.Many a times people around are responsible.It may be due to excessive shaming by others regarding body,looks, character anything or comparison with others.

Feeling of loneliness,not able to socialize etc.

A note to people who are depressed-

 You are not alone and it isn't your fault 

It may be due to hormonal changes or situational changes 

Seek help from people whom you trust and love 

Do not harm yourself or others 

Always find time for yourselves and do things you enjoy instead of living your lives according to others .

Remember you are answerable only to your Lord and provided you are not doing anything to displease Him it's alright 

You are strong  and beautiful .

Love yourself first.❤️

Smile even if you don't feel like it ,🙂

Think of all the blessings from your Lord and have Gratitude

Meditate,pray, exercise and think of those below you.🏃🧎🤲

Dahlia Mohammed Ali


  1. Beautiful article Dahliatha! Mental health is often neglected or looked upon shamefully... May this article gain change people's attitude towards the same...


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