We have entered the Lunar month of Rabi Al Awal,the birth month of our Prophet (pbuh), so I decided to read and learn more about him.Join me in the journey of learning about him.

Muhammad (pbuh) was born on 12th Rabi Al Awal,Monday in Makkah.His mother's name was Amina and father's name was Abdullah.His tribe was known as Quraysh.His father died before he was born.He comes in the lineage of Ismail (as).

Arabs in those days used to send their children to areas away from cities to grow healthy and to learn the pure Arabic language. Nabi(saw) was taken care of by Haleema A Sadiya.She was his wet nurse.

She narrates that he brought a lot of blessings along with him.

Some incidents-

They had travelled to Makkah on a frail donkey ,however when returning with Nabi(saw) the animal moved very swiftly.

-Haleema's own child didn't get enough milk before but after she brought Muhammed (saw) home,there was sufficient milk for both babies.

Their she camel started giving more milk and the family could sleep with full stomachs.

-Even though it was a time of drought,it didn't affect their family.

When it was time for Muhammed (saw) to return home,Haleema begged Amina to let her keep the boy longer because he had brought her good fortune. Amina consented and Muhammed (saw) stayed with her for 2 more years.

One day when Muhammed (saw) was playing with his friends something strange happened. His friends went and told Haleema something happened to Muhammad.He was made to lie down,Jibreel (as) came and cut open Muhammed (saw's) chest,took out flesh from his heart and said "this is the portion of Satan in you " .Then he cleansed it in Zam zam water and put it back and sewed his chest.

Haleema and her family were terrified by the incident and took Nabi (saw) back to Makkah.He remained with his mother for 2 years.Later he accompanied Abdul Muttalib(grandfather),his mother and Ummu Ayman on a journey to Yathrib(old name of Madina).His father was buried there.Later they were returning to Makkah.On the way his mother fell Ill and passed away.Later he was taken care of by his grandfather.When Nabi (saw) was 8 ,Abdul Muttalib also passed away. He was then taken care of by his paternal uncle-Abu Talib.

Abu Talib used to travel to Syria for trade purposes. On one such journey Nabi(saw) accompanied him.He was around 12 at the time.From there they met Bahira,a Christian monk.He told Abu Talib that Muhammad was not an ordinary boy.He would be a prophet soon.Bahira mentioned he saw the trees and all prostrating to him and that he saw the seal of prophet hood beneath the boy's shoulders.

The monk was very excited and treated them well.He advised Abu Talib to not take the boy any further ,as it would be a threat to his safety.

(To be continued)

Source:The Moon Split

Dahlia Mohammed Ali 



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