The previous post was about the early life of Muhammad (pbuh).I would like to reflect on this.

-Muhammed (saw) was born in the 'Year of the Elephant'(Aam Ul feel).The King Abraha had tried to destroy the Ka'bah but Allah protected it.This year holds great importance in the history and a Chapter of the Qur'an was revealed on this-Surah Al Feel.

-Nabi (saw) was born into the most prestigious family of Makkah-The Quraysh.They were the caretakers of the Ka'bah at the time.

-His grandfather was the one who had the privilege and honor of finding the long lost well of Zamzam

-His family believed in one God

-He was a very intelligent child and was very trustworthy from a young age.

-His presence itself brought about blessings to those around him.Like how Haleema A Sadiya's family was blessed

-Although he was an orphan he was taken care of very well by his grandfather and his paternal uncle after his mother's death.

-His uncle took him along for trading in Syria.Another chapter was revealed about the trade done during this time.Surah Quresh.

-Bahira,the monk understood he was a Prophet,as he saw signs and mentioned that, it was revealed in the previous scriptures.


He was very kind and full of mercy to everyone around him.Especially to the orphans and widows.Female infanticide and idolatry were widespread. All this disturbed him.Unlike other youths ,he didn't spend his time drinking .He stayed away from festivals of those time

He took up job as a shepherd and helped his uncle in trading.There were a lot of disputes among the sub tribes.They had planned to rebuilt the Ka'bah. There was some bloodshed in the process.Muhammad (saw) tried to solve the issues.Finally the time had come to place the Hajarul Aswad (the black stone).Again there were disputes about the leader of which tribe would place it.Then it was decided that the next person to enter the gate would do so.Allah made Muhammed (saw) enter the gate.Everyone was ready to let him place the black stone.He took a cloth,placed the black stone in the centre and asked 4 leaders to hold each corner of the cloth and he himself placed the black stone.

(To be continued)

Dahlia Mohammed Ali 

Reference:When the moon split(Saifur Rahman Mubarakpuri)


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