Our role model

 Our role model-Prophet Muhammad (saw)

A true leader,

Loved by all.

An illiterate man,

Who changed the world,

Whose name will be known for eternity,

The one who loved us and cried for us even before we were born.

O our great teacher,

There is no human being greater than you.

The best husband,father,grandfather .

I wished to be of the people of Madinah who received you.

We wish to be with you in our final abode,

To drink from your fountain.

O our Lord,send peace and blessings upon him.

Who we love the most after You.

The one with the softest hearts.

O our Lord, help us follow the straight path 

Adhere to your Book and his teachings .

O our Lord, make our character like his and make us die as muslims in submission to you.

O our Lord ,You are the Most Merciful,especially Merciful. 

Envelop us with your mercy and accept from us..


Dahlia Mohammed Ali


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