Knowing our Prophet(saw) -part 5
After Abu Bakr(ra) accepted Islam,many others too accepted Islam.Some of them were Uthman bin Affan,Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas &Talha bin Ubaydullah.Many from the Quraysh also later accepted Islam.These people were called the 'Earliest believers'. Although there was a gap between the first and second revelations,the subsequent ones came in quick succession.After Surah Muddaththir the next Surah to be revealed was Surah Fatihah. Surah Muddaththir was not a set of instructions for Nabi ( saw) alone.It was for all believers.It teaches the believers to praise and invoke Allah.Each person will reap good/bad he sows in this world and he will receive recompense for it in the next world.It is a guide to true success. In the revelations which came afterwards,other duties and acts of worship were instituted.The first duty that was ordained was Salah.Jibreel (as) taught Prophet (saw) how to perform prayers and Wudu. The Prophet(saw)'s later revelations focused on faith and Tawheed(...